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Household Rules

  • All your personal and medical information will never be distributed to other persons without your written permission.
  • Before the first threathment we always have an intake conversation about your health and medical history.
  • When in doubt about your complaints we will stop the threathment and refer you to a doktor. After the permission of the doktor we will continue.
  • Are you under threathment of a docter, specialist or therapist then you need to discuss with them if a massages is allowed to get.
  • You need to mention before the massage is you take some medicin or under threatment of a doktor, specialist of therapist.
  • Touch-Pro is not responsable for any damage, lost or theft of your personal possessions. (for example stains in your clothes because of the massage oil).
  • Touch-Pro is not resonsable for any damage or injuries because of a lack of informing medical information like physical or mental disorders, injuries and the use of medicine.
  • Mobile phones need to switched off during the treatment.
  • Appointments made can only be cancelled minimum 24 hours before. When you don't cacel or it is too late. you still need to pay the whole amount for the massage. 
© Copyright 2025 . All Rights Reserved Touch-Pro Maastricht

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