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Eeverybody can take a sportsmassage
a professional or somebody with an office job! With complaints of his back.

Here is the place to relax!
If you want to refull your enery.


To make an appointement for a sports massage you don't need to be a professional sportsman. Everybody feels somethimes his muscles and some pain. This can be due stress or your job. When you are recovering from some puslce problems it is good to make an appointement for a sports massage. It improves recovering your body. Moreover a sports massage has also a preventive function. It helps your body to keep in good shape.

When you gets regular a sports massage it's can have the following positive effects:
- relaxing effect on body and spirit
- reducing pain
- beter recovering of seniw, muscles and attachements after a overload
- improve the blood flow of muscles
- prevent sports injuries

In deze tijd waarin we de lat in de maatschappij telkens hoger leggen, gaat vaak ten koste van onze gezondheid. Steeds vaker ervaren we een hogere werkdruk en staan we 24 uur per dag in verbinding met internet. Maar soms is het nodig om even gas terug te nemen en wat rust te nemen. 

Bel voor een afspraak om een uurtje te ontspannen en je hoofd leeg te maken!


When you get a sports massage we use the massage oil of Sports Balm.

You can make a appointment ffor a sportsmassage to prevent problems. So your muscles keep in good shape. 

What is the price of a Sportsmassage?
Visit the page with the rates to find out about the prices of the massages

Treatment:   A sports massaga contains a part of the body. For example the legs (front and back) or the back, neck and shoulders.
Timeframe: A sports massage takes about 40 minutes.

Click on Contra-Indications to check if it is possible to receive a massage.

Look also at the page Household Rules for more information.

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